Workshop description
Level 8 Professional training
Level 8 Professional training is divided into two branches: Facilitator training and Bodyworker training.
TNT holds considerable expertise resulting from its many workshops and associated bodyworkers. This expertise can be taught and used by workshop leaders, performers, musicians, comedians, public speakers, bodyworkers, sex workers and so on.
Facilitator training
How can you develop charisma, stay in flow during a workshop, and steer clear of unwarranted self-doubt or useless over-planning?
During Level 8 Facilitator training, you’ll be guided by outstanding and unusual expertise to learn presentation skills that allow you to create, evaluate and practice what you want to offer to the world.
Bodyworker training
Train to become a TNT-certified session giver and choose between:
- The New Tantra massage structure
- Professional de-armouring sessions
- Professional Tantric Gigolo or Femdom certification
After Level 8 certification, you can practice independently, and may also feature on our Private Sessions page and offer sessions on TNT workshops.
You must demonstrate a solid level of maturity, do a certain number of practice sessions, and be willing to comply with TNT’s Code of Conduct and general professional standard, which includes getting regularly spot tested.
To feature on the TNT website the sessions cannot be branded as healing, therapy or medical treatment.
In addition to individual approval by The New Tantra, you need to have successfully passed the following workshops:
- Level 1 Sexual deconditioning
- Level 2 Advanced sex
- Level 4 Transmission training
- Level 5 Ego workshop
Send us an email with your application for the next Level 8 training.
Contact us for any questions.