Is Tantra just about sex?
Last week we posted a vlog about our visit to the STD clinic 👩⚕️
As a response someone asked us:
“I appreciate your approach but please explain me something:
Why those who sell Tantra courses always say “Tantra is not sex, this is not about sex, is more spiritual, bla bla (…).”
You too invite us to your courses and say this is not sex, then you ask us to check for STD.
Where is the truth?”
We would nuance it this way:
We never say our tantric courses are not about sex.
Our first TNT workshop levels are most certainly about sexuality. We use the power of sexual desire to fuel our personal transformation.
But nor do we say Tantra is just about sex.
The higher TNT levels are about spiritual practice in other areas, such as:
- working on our ego patterns 👿
- learning devotion and prayer🙏
- finding our life purpose 🎁
- transcending the mind through meditation 🤯☺️
TNT’s philosophy is to consciously live out all our life-long interests. We cannot leapfrog our evolution if we’re interested in something.
Sex is the big one. If you’re interested in it, we think it’s important you scratch that itch.
If you just stay with low-intensity practices such as eye gazing and breathing techniques (which are wonderful things), and you don’t experience the wilder parts of your fantasies, you’ll be confronted with these longings rattling inside your mind.
So many spiritual traditions say they lose their students to the sexual obsession.
Which is why we deal with that stuff first by learning how to live it out consciously and turning our sexuality into a gift and service to other people.
In TNT, we practice to abstain from the regular “spasm org@sm” (= ejaculation for men and clitoral for women).
Because it’s not possible to truly “scratch the itch” if you’re constantly losing your energy to this short type of org@sm.
This is what our free 21 Day Challenge teaches 🏆🏆🏆
And through such conscious tantric practices over many years, we eventually become fully satiated.
That’s when the sex obsession completely relaxes and loses its grip on us, giving more space for other types of exploration.
Do it until you get fulfilled. And look at other people to serve them through that as well.
Ultimately, it’s all about service, also in your sexuality.
But service doesn’t mean “selfless sacrifice”. Service is also about benefitting and having fun yourself. It’s fun to serve!
So you should never feel guilty or wrong about being interested in sex!
It’s a very necessary (and fun) part of our spiritual evolution.
Thanks for your question. We hope this clarifies.
Onwards & Upwards,
TNT Team