How to prepare for Level 1+2 workshops?
In this post, Constantine from the TNT team talks about his first workshop experience with The New Tantra.
It’s the Spring of 2013. I’m driving to a retreat centre somewhere next to a little town in The Netherlands I’ve never heard of.
I’m nervous. I’m more than nervous and I feel like puking. I don’t particularly like large groups of people and I have no idea what’s waiting for me.
But I just did the 21 Day Challenge and had some of the best few months of my life. Never before had I experienced such a deep connection with my partner at the time, had this much focus or had so much fun in bed.
I know this is what I need to do, I can’t go back to having sex the way I’m used to. There’s no way.
From the moment I arrive at the beautiful venue, the workshop already starts. Everything’s different than I expected.
The workshop is full of exercises that stretch me out of my normal comfort zone. The other participants are awesome and we come together as a group. Things get incredibly weird, just as they should be, and I have tons of fun.
The Level 1 & 2 workshops break my mind, in a good way. In the end, I feel as free as I did when I was a kid. The magic is back in my sexuality and I gained a ton of new friends (some of which I still see to this day).
These two workshops are called Sexual Deconditioning, and for a reason. They’ve allowed me to rewrite my own sexuality and forget about what society and my parents have told me (and shown me) about it. To the point that tantra has become my lifestyle and my career.
So, if you’re like me back then, nervous and excited about joining Level 1 & 2, here are some things that I did to prepare myself that you can do as well:
I read a lot of books about tantra. If you want to start the deconditioning in your head, I can recommend you do the same. It wasn’t published yet when I started my journey, but TNT founder Alexa Vartman’s 50 Misconceptions Of Sex talks explicitly about many of the concepts we work with in Level 1 & 2 (or if you’re like me and prefer audio, get the author-narrated audiobook).
And of course, I did the 21 Day Challenge. It’s free so go check it out. It’s the fastest way to start practicing tantra at home and you’ll feel it in your body in just a few weeks.
For the brave people that decide to go and work on themselves with TNT, I can only say:
Don’t take yourself too seriously and you’ll have tons of fun too.
Timo aka Constantine