Level 3: Sexual completion Workshop description Level 3: Sexual completion Level 3 is TNT’s most sexual workshop where you have the chance to transcend your wild(est) sexual fantasies in a safe and loving group setting. What will you learn? In Level 3, we’ll do...
Level 4: Transmission training Workshop description Level 4: Transmission training Transmission is what we call divine energy radiating from you. We recognize naturally high levels of transmission in children. Wouldn’t you agree that children in general seem more...
Level 5: Ego workshop Workshop description Level 5: Ego workshop A part of spiritual maturity is losing the ‘fascination of being me’, stop hiding or trying to impress other people. How much you care about what others think of you is a measurement of how free you are....
Gigolo Basics workshop Workshop description Gigolo Basics workshop This is a challenging training, especially for the men. You’ll receive a lot of feedback on your skills from the women to improve your levels of empathy and how to serve them into sexual surrender....
Domination workshop Workshop description Domination workshop This weekend workshop will guide you safely into the powerful world of Domination and Submission in tantric TNT style. What will you learn? The Domination workshop experientially teaches you how to create...
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